Нашла прикольный опросник на английском, кому не лень - заполните, а?)

1. 20 dreams you have.

2. 19 quotes you love.

3. 18 names you like

4. 17 words you like.

5. 16 things you do when you are alone.

6. 15 things you like to do.

7. 14 books you have read - would like to read - both.

8. 13 songs you can’t stop listening to

9. 12 facts about you.

10. 11 things of your room

11. 10 persons you can’t live without

12. 9 videos you like

13. 8 favorite foods.

14. 7 persons/artists/both you dislike

15. 6 things you can’t live without

16. 5 Pictures of you when you were little

17. 4 places you want to go to.

18. 3 letters to 3 different people

19. 2 languages you wish you know / want to learn.

20. 1 phrase that describes you